Sep 6, 2014

A peek into the process: ARCs and uncorrected proofs

I'm always fascinated to learn about what goes on behind the scenes when a book is published. Here's how it's working for One Witch at a Time:

Within a few days of each other, I got these in the mail:

Advance Reader Copies (ARCs)

And these:

Uncorrected page proofs

Outwardly, they look very different, but inside, they are exactly the same. Most importantly: They both have errors. (Which is why ARCs tend to have a big UNCORRECTED disclaimer somewhere on them.) This is where editing and production and promotion all overlap. Because while I'm reading the page proofs, and marking corrections and small changes (I'm STILL deleting extraneous, cringe-inducing words like just!), the bound version is going out to reviewers and booksellers.

And that's very exciting!

I just hope they don't just see the extraneous justs. I'd be just horrified!

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